Friday, November 21, 2008
Native American Indian Trail and Thanksgiving pictures
Monday, November 3, 2008
Native American Indian Trail
Purpose: We have set up a series of gross motor tasks for the children - simulating a trek through the country side including mountains and streams. The tasks will help them to develop body awareness, motor planning, bi-lateral coordination, crossing midline, strengthening, sequencing, eye-hand coordination and oral-motor control. In addition, it provides opportunities for sensory input (tactile, vestibular and proprioceptive) and a sense of accomplishment.
1. Ride a inflatable horse
2. Climb up a mountain
3. Beat a large drum 5-10x with alternating hands
4. Walk down the stairs
5. Get on rocking bolster and simulate paddling a canoe
6. Finally blow feathers into a teepee
Fine Motor:
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monster Mash
This is the Motor Room Plan for the next two weeks October 20th through October 31st.
Theme: Monster Mash
Purpose: We have set up a series of gross motor tasks for the children - simulating a Halloween fun filled theme. The tasks will help them to develop body awareness, motor planning, bilateral coordination, strength, sequencing, and eye-hand coordination. In addition, it provides opportunities for sensory input (tactile, vestibular and proprioception) and a sense of accomplishment.
1. Follow the skeleton foot prints and “mash the monsters”
2. Climb to the top of the house and jump to give Mr. Bone’s (the skeleton)and give him a high five.
3. Slide down into the spider web and find a spider.
4. Toss the spider into the spider web.
5. Blow a spider into the spider web.
Bats: The focus of this activity was to participate in messy sensory play through finger painting with the pudding. All of the children were encouraged to use functional reach and isolation in order to paint the bats with pudding and decorate them with Coco Puffs Cereal.
Big Green Monster: The focus of this activity is to work on the features of the face and where they are located such as the eyes, nose mouth ears and hair.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Motor Room Fall Harvest cont.
Scarecrow Fine Motor Project
Scarecrow: Some of the children worked with the song “the Hokey Pokey” to develop overall body awareness to locate body parts such as the legs, arms head and so on. They worked to producing a whole body of a scarecrow by appropriately placing straw on the feet, hands, and head. The children also talked about facial features such as eyes, nose and mouth and where to properly place these parts on the scare crow’s face.
Scarecrow: Some of the children worked on textures soft and rough. The children had to stuff the scarecrow by putting in both rough and soft texture (cotton and shredded paper).They used the glue to paste his facial features on. The focus for this activity was to develop awareness of where the eyes, nose, and mouth are on the face and to develop correct top down orientation.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Fall Harvest

Purpose: We have set up a series of gross motor tasks for the children - simulating a country orchard for playing in fall leaves and picking apples. The tasks will help them to develop body awareness, motor planning, bilateral coordination, strength, sequencing, and eye-hand coordination. In addition, it provides opportunities for sensory input (tactile, vestibular and proprioception) and a sense of accomplishment.
1. Crawl through a tunnel and find an apple.
2. Climb the "tree" (stairs) and reach and put the apple back on the tree.
3. Slide down the "tree" into the pile of leaves.
4. Picking apples and tossing them into the basket.

Other children ripped the paper ( to promote two handed skills and finger strengthening) and pasted the pieces on as the leaves.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Welcome to Our Motor Room!
Theme: Summer Olympics
Purpose: We have set up a series of gross motor tasks for the children - simulating (a bit of a stretch) sports from the summer Olympics - gymnastics, swimming and basketball. The tasks will help them to develop body awareness, motor planning, bilateral coordination, strength, sequencing, and eye-hand coordination. In addition, it provides opportunities for sensory input (tactile, vestibular and proprioception) and a sense of accomplishment.
Tasks: (start the Olympic music)
1. Jump 10 times on small trampoline
2. Jump the "hurdles" across the mat with colored squares
3. Climb the stairs and slide down into the swimming pool (of balls)
4. Throw the variety of balls into the barrel "basket."
First Week Fine Motor Activity:
Look at some of the pictures of kids participating in the fun and games!